Tuesday, 11 June 2013

YAG Workshop, Thursday 30 May 2013

In this YAG workshop, the Youth Advisors spent the morning making flowers for the Garden of England exhibition by Alice Kettle in the Queen's House. They worked with Louise Simkiss, Adult Programmes Manager at National Maritime Museum, to make their own pieces from fabrics. In the afternoon, we visited one of the Museum's stores to learn about naval uniforms with Amy Miller, Curator of Decorative Arts & Material Culture.

Louise talking about The Garden of England
Youth Advisors making their own flowers
Learning about uniforms with Amy, including Nelson's uniform

Afternoon Tea with HRH The Duke of Edinburgh, 28 May 2013

The Youth Advisors were invited to afternoon tea on board the Cutty Sark to celebrate HRH The Duke of Edinburgh as patron for 60 years. Terri shares her experience...

At the party we met a few wonderful people; we were honoured to be invited to the party. It was an honour to also get to meet prince Philip he did in fact talk to some of the Youth Advisory Group, such as myself in the prince's very own words he said "Who do we advise" and in return I said "We Advise young people for the Museum"

It was a great honour to be invited to the party and to get to meet Prince Phillip we would like to thank the Prince for visiting the Cutty Sark, and also thanks to Christopher Gray for  being invited to the party.

The Duke with Youth Advisors
Shauna with the Youth Advisors

YAG Workshop, 25 May 2013

The Youth Advisors did some bookmaking today to make photo diaries of some recent workshops. Shauna taught them how to make an accordion book, using paper with Dutch Wax and Adinkra fabrics printed on. Lucas shares his highlight of the workshop:

'The best part was making the books, because they turned out rather professional'