Friday, 30 November 2012

Takeover Day

We just had our Takeover Event and the Youth Advisors were amazing!

Getting ready!
The Youth Advisory Group has been working with artist Yara El-Sherbini to create a playful intervention in the Museum for Takeover Day. This is a national event ran by Kids in Museums and is our first year taking part. The Youth Advisors developed a series of questions about trust and young people that they want to ask Museum visitors in a questionnaire style.
Project Managers Callum and Terri giving a team brief
Youth Advisor, Nicole, shares the day...

'We firstly went over the plans for the event and listed the roles of each individual and what exactly they would be doing for Takeover Day. Then we took over the Compass Lounge and asked members of the public to answer a questionnaire with a Youth Advisory Group member for them to be in with the chance to win an Ansel Adams catalogue and two tickets'

The Youth Advisors at the end of Takeover Day

The best part of the day was meeting and greeting new people who attended the day. Interacting with new people was the best part! I enjoyed the way people would respond to the questions being asked and looking at people taking part; they seemed really happy'

Youth Advisors with their Takeover Day certificates
Youth Advisor, Isobel, shares what she enjoyed...

Youth Advisory Group Meeting, Sunday 18 November 2012

Youth Advisors Tianna, Frances and Mercedes share what we did in this meeting...

'We played a new game, which was relaxing and broke the ice. We brainstormed many questions for our Takeover Day survey and made a shortlist of ten. We decided roles for the Takeover Day.

The Youth Advisors sharing ideas
We worked with Yara and Shauna and also practised asking our questions with Graham, a National Maritime Museum Visitor Experience member of staff.  It was good to see Graham completing the survey, as the responses and the thought process during the survey was very interesting'

Yara and Frances asking for people's ideas to share
We worked with artist, Yara El-Sherbini, again and finalised the idea to create a questionnaire for visitors to take part in on Takeover Day. The questions were unexpected to see what their reaction would be. Questions ranged from 'Would you join the Navy?' to 'Would you trust a teenager more in a unitard than a hoodie?'
Clemmie sharing her ideas

Everyone has roles for Takeover Day, including Project Managers (Terri and Callum), Front of House, Documenters, Hosts and Interviewers. Takeover Day will take place on 24 November, 13-15:00 at National Maritime Museum


Saturday, 3 November 2012

Youth Advisory Group Meeting, Saturday 03 November 2012

Youth Advisor Keisha shares what we got up to at our last meeting...

'The Youth Advisory Group will be taking over the Museum as a short project, so today we generated questions and ideas we can contribute to this day. The best thing was exploring the ideas of how a museum is presented and what it is known for; the reasons for a museum and how we automatically trust what they include and tell us. I was interested in how museums contribute to history and learning more about them. Today was my first time attending and it was good as it has intrigued me to come again'
Youth Advisors sharing ideas
We worked with artist, Yara El-Sherbini and looked at the following questions...

How do you feel when you come into the Museum? Do you know how to not feel out of place in museums/ How to feel you belong in museums?
How has the YAG shaped you?
Youth Advisors with Yara in the Compass Lounge, the space we're taking over!
How is the museum or the sea, or being here as a young person relevant to you?
How do I relate to my own history, identity and place in the world?
Why is Greenwich at the centre of this story?
If you could ask an audience at the NMM anything , what would it be?
Does anybody know the true cost of a cup of tea, from the canteen?
What do you know about Sammy Ofer?


Deciding what we'll do with Yara
Next time we'll work with Yara to finalise plans for Takeover Day!

Friday, 2 November 2012

Takeover Day

The Youth Advisors are taking over the Museum! On Saturday 24 November 2012, the Youth Advisory Group will be working with artist Yara El-Sherbini to create playful conversations inspired by young people, museums and the sea. The event has been advertised already on the Museum website, so let your friends know. We will have our first meeting on Saturday 03 November to work with Yara.
Youth Advisors in the Compass Lounge